When your yoga instructor explains that part of the class is to try to be ‘present’, what does he or she mean?
Present is, of course, the ‘right now’. We spend a lot of time thinking about or dwelling on the past or the future and, as Victor Chau, Flex yoga instructor, explains: “Pain and suffering steps from dwelling in the past and worrying about the future”.
Victor says that when he is fully present, he feels fully alive, fully aware of every single thought, every muscle, every cell, every THING around him.
“I observe it all like watching a movie, but will not be attached to the image on the silver screen. I cease to just exist but to live, from survival mode to heavenly bliss. Nothing else matters except for this very present moment.”

So next time you’re in a yoga class, try to remember this advice from Victor:
“Every present moment starts with a single breath, just like how every journey starts with a single step.
“I observe my breaths, my thoughts, any sensations, any emotions. If I get distracted, I even acknowledge the state of being distracted and not get mad with myself. I simply observe.
“With practice, I gain clarity, steadiness, calmness and the power of the present. When you are present, it shows in your yoga or your yoga teaching, and in fact, in any other aspect of life.”
Want to hone your yoga teaching skills? Now is the time. Join Victor and other like-minded yogis at his Yoga Weekend Mentorship Workshop
September 1 and 2 at One Island South.
The Weekend Mentorship Workshop is a specially designed course to enhance your yoga teaching career on many levels, helping you discover how you can give your best to your students.
Early Bird Price – HKD2,200 (Book Before 31 July) Regular Price – HKD2,400
For more information please visit https://flexhk.com/yoga-mentorship-victor-chau/