The Tower of Truth

Posted on March 5, 2024

The Pilates Tower – What is it and why is it so good?

Doing the same old workout, day in and day out? We can assure you this is not the way to stay motivated, strong and ensure long-term health and wellness.

If, like many others in this post-Covid world, you’re realizing the importance of staying active to maintain not only physical but mental strength, it’s time to try something new – something that will reveal exactly what you need to enhance your fitness journey (plus, you’re not alone. mindbody recently announced that 58 per cent of Singaporeans are working out three times a week since Covid restrictions ended).

At Flex, we’re excited to welcome you to the Tower of Power, or – as we sometimes call it – the Tower of Truth, Singapore’s ONLY Pilates Tower.

“The first time I tried the Tower,” says Sarah, a long-time Flex client who started her Pilates journey in Hong Kong at the original studio, “I was amazing by how the apparatus managed to slowly guide me exactly where I needed to be. That is, where I was weak, the springs would shudder that bit more. Where I was stronger, I could gain more momentum. It really revealed what I needed.

“By the end of each class, I felt longer, more open, as though I’d not only worked each and every muscle, but enhanced their ability to function better. That’s what always brought me back.”

For many, the Tower has become their latest addiction. Even better, this amazingly effective piece of equipment is ideal for complete beginners and the experienced alike. Luckily, Flex offers Tower sessions to individuals, duos or trios, meaning a more personalized and focused experience.

Singapore Flex client and avid simmer Jennifer Kan started at Flex in April 2022 on the tail end of a few health issues that had prevented her from doing high-impact exercise. She started private sessions with Heather Thomas, Flex Founder, which helped her initially improve on her strength.

“I had a fracture in my back,” says Jennifer, “And Pilates was perfect. I was able to start slowly by getting basic technique right.

“With Heather’s patience but very strict instruction, I got stronger and stronger. I personally love the Tower and the Spine Corrector. I love all the juicy stretches you can do. If you’re at a desk as much as I am, these can open up the back and chest. Love it.”

So how does it work? Put simply, the Tower is a vertical unit that uses a variety of attachments – a roll-back bar, arm springs, leg springs and a push-through bar to provide a full body workout. Basically, it uses a multitude of springs. But it is these springs that provide the amazing neural feedback.

Throughout the 20th Century, Joseph Pilates created diverse pieces of equipment to support his techniques and mat exercises. One of these was the widely used Reformer, which you see in our private and small group studios. It uses springs attached to a central anchoring point.

The Tower, however, offers a variety of springs in different locations, allowing legs, arms and torso to work directly with the spring. Where you’re weaker or not as agile, these will shake. You will see this and feel it. Thus the feedback.

As Heather says, “the  Tower is incredibly challenging, effective and comfortable; its stable platform makes it easier to master the seated and standing exercises.”

“Furthermore, the Tower is done as a private, duo or trio, so there’s time to allow adjustment of springs and resistance for your height, weight, and strength,” says Heather.

“This slowing down of a session really gives clients a moment to feel their strengths and weaknesses and monitor areas for improvement.”

As with all Classical Pilates, it’s a total strengthening workout without any stress on your joints, works fast on strength building and hugely improves your general Pilates class sessions.

This is what will happen in a Tower session: a quick warm-up or introduction to the apparatus, as well as briefly talking through individual issues, such as pain or injury. Your trainer will take you through it from all angles – lying down, seated or standing.

If you’re unsure of your physical abilities, a Tower session really allows your trainer to get to you know you and your requirements before you embark on group classes.

Interested? Book your session now

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