Tylira’s Flourless Cacao Banana Pancakes

Posted on March 5, 2024

These pancakes are the favorite breakfast treat for Flex fitness instructor Tylira Miller-Crispe. When she feels like something nice that isn’t too unhealthy she turns to this very easy, quick and foolproof recipe that results in a delicious and energizing meal.

1 medium ripe banana
1 egg
1 tbsp cacao powder (or coco powder as a substitute)
1 small pinch baking powder
Oil for cooking (my personal preference is olive oil or coconut but anything that works for you)

Peel, slice then mash the banana until it is the consistency of baby food.
Add the eggs to the mashed banana and stir until the mixture becomes a custard-like consistency. This is your batter. It will be quite runny and it is fine if you have a few clumps of banana left.
Stir in the baking powder and cacao powder.
Heat a frying pan over medium heat and add the cooking oil. Drop the about two tablespoons worth of batter onto the hot pan.
Cook for 1 minute or until the bottoms look browned and golden when you lift a corner. Carefully flip the pancakes and cook for another minute on the other side.
These pancakes are best eaten straight away. You can eat them plain or I like to add fruit such as passion fruit or berries and honey to mine.

About Tylira
Tylira is one of Flex’s group instructors for TRX and HIIT classes, and has been in Hong Kong for almost a year. She is a big fan of functional training and a firm believer in the support and motivation that comes from group exercise, with TRX and HIIT classes ticking all the boxes. She started sharing this passion just in the past two years, but comes from a family where health and fitness doesn’t stop at the gym, it’s a way of life. Her goal at Flex is to help others unleash their inner potential. “We are all so much stronger than we realise and I aim to inspire others to be the best they can be, and in turn am inspired by them!”

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